Why Everyone Needs a Life Coach Now?

Now more than ever, our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing is of utmost importance. With how fast the modern life is right now, we are continuously bombarded with stimuli, information and expectations whether it is from ourselves or others. Thankfully people have been more aware of what they have been lacking for many years, and are moving towards a direction that is hopeful in raising awareness around these topics to others.

It is true that we live in a world that is overflowing with information right under our fingertips. Learning something new may just require reading a couple of books or articles to feel inspired. But the truth is, you get high on whatever you learnt with minimal implementation as you go back to your past habits or vicious cycle you were trying to break free in the first place. That is because you were still working from the same old mindset that is acquainted with the undesired habits.

As a certified life coach focused on causal coaching and CTB (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), I go deeper to find the root cause of the problem and not just bandage the symptoms for an easy fix!

 As you gain deeper awareness and clarity, I help you change your old thought patterns that are keeping you stuck to others that are useful. With that, you open up to your own wisdom and creativity in implementing preferred desired changes coming from a new evolved mindset that is truly aligned with your heart. (No will power needed). All of this will be in an Islamic based framework that is tailored specifically for you and your own needs.  I teach you the tools you need, to help sustain such changes so it becomes effortlessly your norm in the future.

Learning how to have your brain work for you and not against you is possible with my support.

Coaching focuses on empowering you and making your transformation easier! I am here to get you unstuck and more aligned to the person you want to be. You can be more capable, confident, and calm no matter what the circumstances look like! I’ll show you the how and not just the what!

Rather than wanting to control and change everyone around you with no success, it is more impactful to change and control your response to whatever that comes your way.

It is even mentioned in the Quran, surah al ra’d (the thunder) (13:11)

(اِنَّ اللّٰهَ لَا يُغَيِّرُ مَا بِقَوۡمٍ حَتّٰى يُغَيِّرُوۡا مَا بِاَنۡفُسِهِمۡؕ)

“Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves”.

The key is to start with yourself and have Tawakkul in Allah.

Do you want to take charge and make the necessary changes with professional help to get to what you want?

Or do you want to keep doing what you have been doing and still hope for a different outcome? 

There is a better way and I can show you how. 

By recognizing your own power and not taking action or showing up for you and others, you further prolong everyone's suffering. The best gift you can give yourself and your family is a healthy, strong you. Stop sabotaging your life and reclaim your best version of yourself now!

Hop on a 30-minute complimentary call by clicking below!


Why coach with ME?